In October 2019, St John & St Elizabeth Hospital in London made a significant leap towards modernising its pre-operative assessment process by introducing LifeBox, Definition Health’s digital pre-assessment platform. Prior to this, the hospital relied on a manual, paper-based system that was time-consuming and resource-intensive.

To ensure a smooth transition, the hospital opted for a phased approach, beginning with the orthopaedics department. "We decided to phase it in as we wanted to get it right with a smaller amount of people before we rolled it out," explains Claire Manley, HJE’s Outpatient Services Manager (Picture).

Claire-Manley-outpatients-services-manager-at-St-John-and-St-Elizabeth-Hospital-902x1024Challenges in transition

Implementing a new digital system always comes with challenges, and for St John & St Elizabeth, this was no different. For the first three months, staff had to operate with both the new LifeBox system and the legacy paper system. "For the first three months, it was hard as we were working with two systems in the hospital," Claire recalls. However, the team knew that transitioning to LifeBox would ultimately lead to greater efficiency. Previously, face-to-face pre-operative assessments took an average of two hours per patient. With over 500 patients a month undergoing surgery, the hospital sought to significantly streamline this process.

Training and communication as key enablers

The biggest challenge in the transition was building confidence in the new system among staff. As Claire notes, "The biggest challenge was getting everyone to have the confidence to use it." Definition Health worked closely with the hospital to provide tailor-made training for different teams, ranging from administration to pre-assessment nurses and theatre staff. The hospital also involved ward nurses in pre-assessment processes, enabling them to better understand the challenges faced by their colleagues.

COVID-19 accelerates digital adoption

The introduction of LifeBox took on even greater importance with the advent of the COVID-19 pandemic. As the hospital became a hub for orthopaedic, trauma, and renal surgeries for NHS Imperial Trust, remote assessments became essential. LifeBox allowed the hospital to conduct all assessments online, ensuring continuity of care and reducing patient risk. By June 2020, elective surgeries had resumed, and the hospital was conducting 90% of pre-assessments digitally, for both private and NHS patients.
"Staff are now digital assistants offering help via the phone for patients with any difficulties filling in the questionnaire," Claire adds.

Clear benefits and efficient workflow

One of the most impactful advantages of LifeBox is the system’s structured process, which ensures no steps are missed during pre-assessments. "One of the huge benefits is that it’s all there in black and white and questions can’t be skipped," says Claire. "Everything is really clear. You can see patients moving through the stages, and once they have completed, the nurses are ready to triage them."

This clarity and streamlined workflow have significantly improved the efficiency of the pre-assessment process, reduced time spent on administrative tasks, and enhanced patient care by ensuring timely and comprehensive assessments.

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At Definition Health, we’re committed to transforming surgical care through innovative digital solutions. If you're a healthcare professional looking to enhance patient outcomes or want to explore how our platform can benefit your organisation, we’re here to assist. Fill out the form below, and our team will get back to you promptly.