Definition Recovery

Definition Recovery supports patients through their post-operative home recovery journey, providing hospitals with untapped data insights, increased capacity and an improved patient experience.

Definition Recovery – Post-operative patient support

Definition Recovery is a virtual recovery ward that allows patients’ post-surgical progress to be monitored by healthcare teams while they recover in the comfort of their own homes.

The virtual recovery ward enables hospitals to increase their capacity by discharging patients from hospitals earlier and avoids unnecessary outpatient appointments by facilitating remote monitoring.

The intuitive Definition Recovery platform allows the patient to share their progress from home and have their post-operative questions answered online by clinicians.

The hospital reviews information on the same intelligent platform reducing paperwork and enabling data-driven decision-making, to limit post-surgery complications and readmissions.

Patient benefits

  • Patients feel better connected to their hospital whilst recovering in the comfort of their home
  • Answers to FAQs and other relevant information is surfaced at relevant times throughout the recovery journey
  • Patients can rest assured knowing their recovery progress is being monitored remotely
  • Patients can see positive trends in their recovery progress and look back at how far they’ve come
  • Less unnecessary travel to hospital appointments

Hospital benefits

  • Remove silent periods/blind spots between discharge and routine outpatient appointments
  • Increase hospital capacity by removing unnecessary appointments and discharging patients earlier
  • Enable data-driven decision making
  • Identify urgent problems earlier
  • Prevent hospital readmissions
  • Analyse previously untapped data to identify trends and improve care

Patient Feedback

“It's really good to know theres someone taking an interest in my recovery”

“It's nice to know that there's someone watching if you're stuck at home on your own”

“It opens up a new avenue of communication after your surgery."

It helps remove work fore the hopsital and keeps an eye on me as a patient.”

See our apps in action

For more information about Definition Health and how our personalised digital healthcare solutions can benefit your organisation, please contact us using the form below. Whether you're looking to enhance patient care, streamline operations, or stay ahead in healthcare, we're here to help. Let's discuss how our innovative apps can support your goals.